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31 July 2023

Uncertain times ahead for borrowers

To say that the track for inflation and therefore interest rates going forward is relatively unclear would be an understatement. The rises in bank borrowing costs here have prompted banks to raise their fixed mortgage rates another 0.25% or so in the past couple of months despite no new rise in the official cash rate. So what will happen to mortgage interest rates, and are we headed into uncertain territory?

28 July 2023

The RBNZ signalled we were done – so why are mortgage rates still going up?

New Zealand banks have increased their fixed mortgage rates by about 0.25% over the last few weeks - despite the latest signal from the RBNZ being that hikes are (likely) done and dusted. So, what's that all about?

20 July 2023

The housing market has bottomed out — so what's in store for 2024?

Fixed mortgage interest rates are unlikely to show any meaningful decline until very late in the year. Will that continue on through to 2024, or will it be a year of falling house prices, rental market pressure and higher selling prices?

13 July 2023

Market update: No move is big news, as OCR hike streak officially comes to an end

And there it is, finally - after 12 back-to-back increases - the break in interest rate hikes we’d all been waiting for. The question now is, when will rates start to fall again?

12 July 2023

Rodney’s Ravings: Why the recession will be much worse for some firms than others

The next little while is going to be tough going for a lot of Kiwi businesses, but goods manufacturers and raw materials suppliers are in for a particularly rough ride. Squirrel guest blogger, Rodney Dickens, explains how being hit by falling buyer demand on multiple fronts will mean a harsher recession for these businesses than most.

11 July 2023

Opinion: The RBNZ’s next move will be a rate cut - and to say otherwise is ludicrous

Back on 24th May, Adrian Orr said OCR hikes had done their job, and we'd hit the peak. So why then, six weeks later, are wholesale markets predicting we'll need another OCR hike, maybe two, in order to get inflation truly under control? Chief Squirrel, David Cunningham, shares his thoughts on this, and explains why he's pretty sure the wholesale markets have got it wrong.

07 July 2023

A big test of New Zealand's banking oligopoly

Earlier this week, one of NZ's big banks hiked its fixed term interest rates to levels that (many believe) are totally unjustified by current market conditions - and copped plenty of criticism for what was deemed nothing more than a "profit grab". Despite that negative reaction, a number of our other major banks have now followed suit. So, is that all the proof we need of the banking oligopoly in New Zealand? Chief Squirrel, David Cunningham, certainly thinks so.

06 July 2023

Is FOMO creeping back into the housing market?

With a falling number of listings, booming immigration and an end to rising mortgage interest rates, is FOMO starting to creep back into the New Zealand housing market?

01 July 2023

Listen to the latest episode of our podcast: Live at the Nut Bar

Welcome to Live at the Nut Bar where Squirrel Founder John Bolton (better known as JB) and Chief David Cunningham sit down weekly to chew the fat about things like finance, the economy, investing and what's happening with mortgage interest rates. Knowing these two, there are plenty of laughs along the way as well as the odd debate, of course.

22 June 2023

Housing market shows signs of life

First home buyers are returning to the market despite higher mortgage interest rates. Even so, there is still no sign of a lift in buying by investors. So will 2024 shape up to be a good year for buyers?

16 June 2023

Market update: And with that, it's official

The Reserve Bank said it'd take get us here, and with the latest GDP figures released this week, New Zealand is officially in recession. In his latest market update, JB shares his thoughts on what's to come in the economy, and with interest rates and the wider housing market.

24 May 2023

OCR analysis: Finally, we've hit the peak

The Reserve Bank has today pushed through a 0.25% increase to take us from 5.25%, up to its peak forecasted OCR of 5.50% - while also making it clear we've hit peak rates for this economic cycle.